Backwater Artists Network

Backwater Artists Network

The Backwater Artists Network (BAN) offers a shared city centre focal point and opportunities to connect for professional artists working in isolation from studios in their own homes or in single privately rented studios.

Backwater Artists Group are committed to addressing the needs of artists through the promotion of improved support structures for artists and by providing opportunities for them to grow, learn and develop. We have been asked by many artists over the years to set up this network and at the time of our 30 Year Anniversary in 2020, we launched the initiative to reach out to the wider community and offer the benefits of our expertise and collective experience.

Membership of the network presents artists working outside of the studio group, with the opportunity to connect to a well-established artists community in the heart of Cork city. It presents opportunities for artists to meet each other at social, learning or discursive events and to learn from other invited artists and arts professionals. Visibility, promotion, exhibition and residency opportunities are also on offer, as well as discounted rates for specialist workshops and courses run by BAG. As the network develops Backwater will remain open to suggestions from network members based on individual and collective needs.

What is on offer?

Visibility / Information
  • Profile page on Backwater Artists Group website

  • Automatic subscription to exclusive BAN e-mail list which will inform you about up and coming BAN members events and opportunities.

  • Automatic subscription to Backwater e-newsletter including invitations to upcoming exhibitions, talks, workshops etc at Backwater.
Exclusive BAN events
  • BAN artist talks series. Each evening features one or two BAN members followed by Q&A and discussion. These talks are held one evening per month either in person or on zoom. 
  • Scheduled group crits:  arranged in consultation with BAN membership and facilitated by artists (and twins) Cassandra and Megan Eustace. 
  • Access to Backwater Discussion Groups:  Current discussion group Spatial Communication within Painting- ( Edge  Variables ) with Jo Kelley.
BAN Project Residency
  • Eligibility to apply for a dedicated Backwater Artist Network project studio residency (6 months) at Backwater Artist Group: Please note this residency is at rate of €70, half standard studio rental rate.  Taking applications soon.   
  • Opportunity to propose artwork for inclusion in bi-annual BAN group exhibition at Backwater and/or off-site venue. 
  • Opportunity to submit artwork to sell in the Backwater annual Winter Salon fundraising exhibition.  Sales: Artist 50%/Backwater 50%.
  • Eligibility to submit a proposal for a solo/group exhibition/event as part of the annual Studio 12 project/exhibition space programme. Next call for submissions due August 2024.
Workshops / CPD
  • Reduced members rate for Backwater Continued Professional Development workshops. 
  • Access to curators through annual Backwater curatorial programme (6 curator talks per year and associated studio visits). Previous visiting curators/gallerists include: Janice Hough (Curator of Residencies & Artists Programmes IMMA), Matt Packer (EVA International), Eamonn Maxwell (Independent Curator/Art Advisor), Helena Tobin (Director South Tipperary Arts Centre), Patrick T Murphy (Director RHA Gallery), Kevin Kavanagh ( Kevin Kavanagh Gallery), Dr Jo Melvin (Barry Flanagan Estate, Professor of Fine Art & Feminism Chelsea College of Art & Design), Eamonn Maxwell, Aideen Quirke, Jenna Whelan. 
  • Reduced members rates for workshops and courses
  • Funding Clinics with Aideen Quirke: These workshops are designed to assist artists in preparing, writing and submitting funding applications to support their creative practice or project. Following on from a general introductory seminar in 2023, the one-to-one sessions will go into specific and practical detail individually tailored to each participant. We will look at available funding streams and opportunities and how to efficiently approach submissions.
Membership costs     
  • €100 per year by direct debit Current Previous

Backwater Artists Network Testimonials 

“Since joining the Backwater Artists’ Network (BAN) in 2020, I have benefited from the connections, stimulation and cordiality that the organisation offers its members. As an advantage particular to the period of lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Network provided a way to dialogue and interact with fellow artists, whether that was to attend a presentation by a particular artist  on their practice, discuss a specific, topical subject that related to contemporary visual arts practice, or feel part of a community, in a time when interactions in large groups of people was not possible. Speaking in general, I feel that the Network constellates a lattice of connection, where artists – who would otherwise potentially work in remote or ‘stand-alone’ circumstances – can associate for both professional and social reasons, forging links that have proven beneficial to them in both of those domains.” – Andrew Carroll.

‘Working from my studio in rural West Cork, Backwater Artists Network has given me wonderful support over the past number of years. With opportunities to participate in exhibitions, seminars and talks, it provides a wonderful platform for professional artists to learn, connect and share experiences. I am very grateful to be part of such a brilliant organisation’. Cara Brophy.

If you have any question please contact the Studio Manager by emailing

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