Aoife Nolan


Coming from a career background in fashion, costume and bridal design, recent BA(Hons) Fine Art graduate and currently undertaking a Masters in Fine Art at National College of Art and Design, Aoife Nolan’s work has already received a number of awards. With an expansive practice incorporating photography, film, textiles, assemblage, painting and works on paper, Nolan’s work explores the primal human need for connection and belonging; physical, emotional and intuitive. Connection to self, each other and our collective home, earth.

Mindful of our current epoch, inspired by nature and yogic practice, partnered with intensive research, interior and exterior landscapes merge, the resulting work is deeply personal.

Investigation within the landscape is integral to the creation of each resolved piece, supporting the practice of artist functioning as conduit between subject and materiality. The use of natural materials, sounds and imagery is recurrent throughout Nolan’s practice.

Processes include; exploring copper, a metal found in earth and human tissue, known to conduct energy. Indexing organic surfaces, a physical act breaking down the illusion of separation. The resulting artworks are the translation of emotional, sensory, intuitive, felt, experience of connection into physical form.

Instagram @aoife_nolan_

Membership: Backwater Artists Network
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